This website is operated by Curious Vitae Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under company number 9904334. Our registered office address is Fitzroy House, Crown Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 3LG. 

References to “Curious Vitae” or to “us”, “we” or “ourselves” shall be references to Curious Vitae Limited. 

The terms and conditions set out herein (“the Terms and Conditions”) apply to the use of this website, as amended or updated from time to time (“the Website”) and to the provision of Services by Curious Vitae. 

Services” means any service provided by Curious Vitae including, but not limited to, Consultancy Services, Agency Services and Tuition Services. The nature of the Services provided will be set out in separate agreements ("Service Agreements") entered into by Curious Vitae and will include secondary services such as arranging logistics, facilitating and collecting payments and providing data and feedback relating to the Services provided.

 In these Terms and Conditions the terms “Use of” and “Using” the Website include: 

  • visiting the Website and/or browsing any of the information or materials published on the Website, as well as the use of any such information or materials for any purpose thereafter; 
  • registration with Curious Vitae on the site, whether as a Client, Tutor or Partner and whether or not you enter into an agreement with Curious Vitae thereafter; 
  • uploading information to the Website including, but not limited to, personal information, course content, links to Third Party Websites (including social media) or any other content uploaded in connection with the provision or receipt of Services by Curious Vitae. Together any such information uploaded to the site shall be referred to as “User Content”; 

By using the Website and/or by agreeing to the provision of Services by Curious Vitae you agree to the Terms and Conditions, subject to any agreement in writing to the contrary. 

The Terms and Conditions will apply to the use of the Website by any individual or corporation or by any individual representing or acting on behalf a larger group, corporate or otherwise, in which case the individual and any individual within the group shall also be subject to the Terms and Conditions. Any reference to “you” in the Terms and Conditions shall be to any such individual, corporation or group.

By using the Website or by entering into any agreement with us for the provision of Services you hereby agree that you have read, agree to and will comply with the Terms and Conditions, including any updates or amendments which may be made to the Terms and Conditions from time to time, provided any such updates or amendments are published on the Website at the time of your use of the Website or entry into any agreement with us for the provision of Services. Other than publishing any updates or amendments to the Terms and Conditions on the Website, Curious Vitae is not obliged to inform you of any such updates or amendments.

The Website may from time to time contain links and/or references to third parties (“Third Parties”) and their websites (“Third Party Websites”) and the Terms and Conditions shall not cover any use of those websites or any agreement entered into with Third Parties (“Third Party Agreements”) in relation to any services provided directly by the Third Parties, whether or not such agreements relate to or arise in connection with the provision of Services by Curious Vitae.

 By using the Website or in entering into any Service Agreement with Curious Vitae you agree to the following conditions: 

  • that any User Content uploaded to the Website by you and/or any information which you share with us whether via the Website or otherwise will be true and accurate and given in good faith without malice and without breaching any relevant laws or regulations applicable thereto; 
  • that your use of the Website and your motivation for and entry into any Services Agreement is also in good faith and not for any malicious, unlawful or fraudulent reason and will not have any malicious, unlawful or fraudulent effect upon Curious Vitae or any Third Party; 
  • that you will not use the Website or enter into any Service Agreement for any commercial use or gain or for the benefit of any Third Party unless expressly agreed in writing with Curious Vitae; 
  • that you will not copy, reproduce, download or distribute anything from our Website without permission from Curious Vitae, including any information uploaded to the Website by any Third Party; 
  • that you will not amend or modify any part of the Website or any content or material on the Website; 

Although the information, content and material on the Website is published by Curious Vitae in good faith, we do not make any warranty or representation that the information is accurate, complete or up to date, nor that it will meet your requirements. Any reliance you place on the Website and any decisions or actions taken by you based on the content of the Website is therefore at your own discretion and risk. 

We cannot guarantee that the Website is free from viruses or other malicious programs and we accept no responsibility or liability for any consequences arising out of the existence of such viruses or malicious programs howsoever they may affect you.


Any information which we collect or use in connection with your use of the Website, or the provision of Services by us will be strictly in accordance with all relevant laws governing the use of personal data including, but not limited to, the Data Protection Act 1998 .   

We agree that we will only use your personal data in connection with the provision of Services and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and any other Service Agreement made in writing. This may include the use of data for the purposes of carrying out research and business analysis as well as carrying out market research but, at all times, the primary objective will be to improve the quality of the Services we provide and to develop and improve the Website. 

We will never sell, distribute or share your personal data without your permission and will always do so in accordance with all the relevant and applicable laws and regulations. 

We reserve the right to terminate your account and any agreement with us and to remove any information or content provided by you from the Website if, in our sole opinion, you have acted in any way which we believe to be contrary to these Terms and Conditions whether expressly or by implication, or if we believe that you or your behaviour are in any way harmful or inappropriate, whether in breach of the Terms and Conditions or otherwise, to us or any Third Party. We may exercise this right at any time and with immediate effect and at our sole discretion. 

You agree to compensate and fully indemnify Curious Vitae for any loss or liability suffered by Curious Vitae resulting, directly or indirectly, from any action or inaction by you whether or not such action or inaction is expressly in breach of the Terms and Conditions. 


We use cookies to improve the functionality of our Website. Cookies are small files created by web browsing and stored in your web browser. By using the Website you consent to the use of cookies but you may modify the settings in your web browser if you do not want cookies to be stored on your web browser. If you choose not to consent to the use of cookies this may affect the functionality of the Website or diminish your experience or use of the Website.

 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions and any of the Services and Service Agreements and the use of the Website shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Terms and Conditions, the use of the Website or the Services and Service Agreements shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the use of Third Party Websites or Third Party Agreements shall not be covered by these Terms and Conditions.

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