"I think, therefore I am" ( René Descartes)

Is the originating principle of nature, water?  So thought Thales of Miletus, the first of the great ancient Greek thinkers. Or are numbers the key to the cosmos as Pythagoras believed? How was his world rocked by the discovery of irrational numbers?!

Does the world change or stay the same? Is there one unchanging reality or is the one true constant, change itself? Can the tortoise ever catch the hare? Study the teachings of Heraclitus, Parmenides and Zeno to find the answers.

Meet the first evolutionist, Empedocles who lived 23 centuries before Darwin and discover how it took another two thousand years for his theories to be proven.

Examine the first attempts to define what it means to live a good life and how Plato and Aristotle’s theories underpin the revelations in the sacred texts of Christianity and Islam. 

Explore the first proponents of democracy and their theories of how badly wrong things can go when the masses are ignorant - did Aristotle have a point here?! To be good citizens should we obey only the great thinkers or should we challenge authority and question everything, whatever the cost? Are you with Plato or Socrates?

What does modern day civilisation owe to the ancients who tried to discover why we are here, how we came to be and, ultimately, the meaning of life!

According to Socrates, “the unexamined life was not worth living”, so make this journey through the history of ideas and decide for yourself whether we came from nothing, or were we always here?

Potential Themes

  • The ancient philosophers
  • Philosophy,  religion and science

  • Modern day thinkers
  • Philosophy and law

  • History of philosophy
  • Philosophy and politics


Not so much finding the answers, but asking the questions

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